Amnesia 9
Amnesia - Issue 09 (1993-02-01)(Eclipse)(Disk 2 of 2).adf
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DWHY DO THEY DO IT?N crazy, I mean if it's ok for showing
on one station it should be OK for
by J/\Y of ECLIPSE all stations, examples of this would
be............... BEVERLY HILLS COP 2
I'm writing this article in annoyance shown on ITV and cut to shreds, ok so
of the way T.V. companies treat us it was shown early evening (when
like children and judge and tell us shown last) but this film is a pure
what we can see and hear BY THEIR comic vehicle for EDDIE MURPHY and
RULES. the biggest parts of the film is
The BBC and ITV have rules to stick MURPHY saying "FUCK" every 10 secs,so
by, well that's fair enough, they are what did ITV opt for, obviously an
giving rules to stick to ............ impersonator (although a particularly
21:00 is seemingly considered "ADULT good one) saying shit dialogue like
VIEWING" in the UK, so why when they DAMN, FLIP and FRIG etc, now if this
show a rated "15" or "18" film do the wasn't bad enough, for those of you
BEEB or ITV insist on cutting every out there who like to watch new good
fucking swear word out, which in my films in true "NICAM STEREO" this
opinion ruins the whole film, I mean film was not in stereo, but it should
you can see their lips move and the have, and I put it directly down to
wrong word come out, so this is why I the TV company fuck-arsing with the
ask WHY DO THEY DO IT. soundtrack so much so the entire
Now, if these films are shown on CH 4 soundtrack must have been fucked
or BBC 2 they would include all the afterwards, the same thing was done
swear words and sex, it's fucking with that groovy film MIDNIGHT RUN, I
mean these films should be left and all the juicy bits were cut out,
untouched. Now if you had watched the well good old RTE left everything in.
recent comedy programme on CH 4 Remember JACK NICHOLSON in "THE
"DREAM ON" the FUCK word was quite POSTMAN ALWAYS"? Well if you seen the
frequent along with quite a few pairs cinema version of this film you would
of TITS flashed on screen for no see how much was cut out when ITV
reason whatsoever and all on at 10pm. screened it and they showed it after
My question is still not answered. midnight.Even poor ARNIE got the chop
And here is something that I find in TERMINATOR when it was shown on
very amusing, over here in the south BBC1 his line (one of the few he had)
of IRELAND we have very strict FUCK YOU ASSHOLE was cut, but it
censorship, films such as THE LIFE OF wasn't when it was shown over here on
BRIAN were banned only until RTE.So why can these stations dictate
recently. KEN RUSSLES' "THE WHORE" is when and at what time we can and
completly banned,soft porn mags like cannot see or hear BAD things as THEY
PENTHOUSE and KNAVE etc are classed would call them.
as obscene publications, so you would
think that our national TV station Another intersesting point over here
(RTE - Radio Teilifis Eireann) would in Ireland is VIDEOS,HARD PORN VIDEOS
be far more reserved than either BBC are supposed to be completely banned
or ITV wouldnt you? But NO! Quite the here, but yet you can go into most
reverse BEVERLY HILLS was shown over video shops (the exception being
here in it's entirity and remember XTRA-VISION, cause they are family
FATAL ATTRACTION was shown in the UK orientated) here and rent OFF THE
SHELF hard porn,the majority of these that list gets released to the video
films are still in their original shops as new banned titles are
boxes, the covers giving details of included stating that these titles
the story line, who stars in it, are banned, so the video shop owner
director, running time etc like a not being a complete WALLY would dump
normal video release only porn.So why these titles from his library and
don't they ban them 100%, because at keep all the others that the censor
the moment the censor can only ban by would never see, while chuckling up
TITLE,so there is 1000's of different his sleeve,so the cops can not charge
titles on release,so the censor would him because the titles he stocks are
to view every single title and then not on their banned list. Now even if
declare it of the banned variety. So the cops take them and say "ahh this
take for an example a video store is porographic" and try to charge the
with over 100 different porn titles, shop owner in court all he says is
now in the laws mind and the publics "ahh but these titles are not banned.
he has hard porn and is renting it .....your honour" case dismissed, the
out, so now someone reports him to cops and courts can only go by the
the police, well the police can only letter of the law. It was reported
confiscate and charge the shop owner recently in the press over here about
if he has a video of the banned a store (near to me) that was raided
variety and the banned variety are and all sorts of titles confiscated
what the censor has banned, now we like POOL PARTY, I DREAM OF SAMANTHA,
have only one censor and so far he ANIMAL FARM, LINDA LOVELACE AND THE
has only banned about 40 titles, and DOG to quote just a few, 150 in
total, all only to be returned to the J/\Y
owner the owner saying afterwards "I "ECLIPSE"
would stock the same amount of
cricket videos if the demand was Polaris: ( Ripping off a false beard
there for them." There is a huge and wig) Aha! Well Jay, I have a
demand for them. little secret to tell you, this isn't
Grapevine,this is Amnesia, and you've
This is our new video law but nobody been waffling to Polaris all along!!!
had seen the loophole there's now
talk of taking on more censors the Article by : Jay/Eclipse
video store owners reckon there's a Clipart by : Hokum/Eclipse
few years left in illegaly legal hard
porn video rental, and when they are
stopped it will just go under the
So now there's some useless
information on...........well quite a
lot really, wasn't it? Ah well I am
off to get a video. Anyone who wants
to talk more about this can get in
touch with me through the contact
section ( I hope..............PAZZA..
..PAZZA.. where is he?)